An impressive year for ‘I Can Too’

The ‘I Can Too!’ Disability Education Program had a fantastic school year, delivering presentations to students across the province! This year, Rachel and Abby delivered presentations to nearly 5000 students in St. John’s, Mount Pearl, CBS, Paradise, Portugal Cove, Pouch Cove, North River, Dildo, Whitbourne, Green’s Harbour, Bay Roberts, Spaniards Bay, Twillingate, Roddickton, Bell Island, Old Perlican, Carmenville, Bishop’s Falls, and Sheshatshui. Students and staff in each school community welcomed us warmly and enthusiastically took part in the presentations. We hope to meet with more students in different areas of the province after they enjoy a well-deserved summer vacation.

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Our goal is to provide people of all ages with physical, cognitive, and any other disabilities with the opportunity to participate in programs and services that aim to build inclusion in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Charitable Number 11905 5085 RR0001