Jeremy’s Cup 2024 was a great night of fun!

Jeremy’s Cup 2024 was a blast!

It marked a fantastic end to the ESNL program season with participants from our weekly Thursday evening community program and our junior program. Families enjoyed playing alongside their children, and Academy Canada students pitched in to help. Our dedicated volunteers led the games smoothly and welcomed newcomers.

Special thanks to Amy Howlett for donating BBQ supplies, which everyone enjoyed, including hamburgers and hotdogs.

Jeremy’s parents, Eli and Jocelyn Cross, were there to present the winners with Jeremy’s Cup. Approximately 75 people joined us for this incredible evening. Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Jeremy’s Cup: Connor Jordan, Sarah Mercer, and Olivia Ash!



Easter Seals Newfoundland & Labrador | ESNL Easter Seals Newfoundland & Labrador | ESNL

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