Congratulations Chris Rose

We are delighted to present a 2021 National Volunteer Award to Chris Rose.

Chris is a dedicated volunteer with over eighteen years of service to Easter Seals Newfoundland and Labrador. Staff would frequently reach out to Chris for support with a wide range of technology-based questions and we are grateful that he never fails to make himself available in a timely manner to offer his expertise.

2020 presented many challenges for Easter Seals Newfoundland & Labrador due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and we had to move quickly to shift the delivery of our programs and services online. Thankfully Chris was there for us, all while he himself was adapting to working from home and caring for his young son. He was always available for live chats, communication over email, text, and phone with several Easter Seals staff and participants to help resolve technical problems. In addition, Chris supported participants in our Career Services program, ensuring that they had a reliable laptop in order to be able to take part in online skills training sessions. He also helped to reconfigure an older laptop that we were subsequently able to donate to a person with a disability who lives independently and was in direct need of one. When we safely reopened the building, Chris rewired our boardroom to ensure we had a stronger, more stable internet connection to deliver presentations on disability awareness. He has been instrumental to our success and has had a substantial impact on the lives of people who live with disabilities in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Chris is also recognized as a leader in both the technology field and in the community. He volunteers his services with many other organizations in the community, in addition to Easter Seals. Despite his busy schedule, he always has a warm smile and a pleasant attitude towards everyone. Chris is a role model for others and very deserving of this award.

“I volunteer for Easter Seals Newfoundland and Labrador because of the direct difference the organization makes in the lives of persons with disabilities. The work I provide helps ESNL staff to connect them with the participants of the different programs they offer.

Having sufficient and properly working tech has become especially apparent during the lockdown when the staff had to work from home and some programs moved online. I enjoy lending my expertise in this area, and further helping wherever I can and whenever I am needed.

I take pride in knowing the work I do is a smaller part of the larger effort to bring many important programs and services to the disability community of Newfoundland and Labrador, that they otherwise would not have access to.” – Chris Rose

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer with Easter Seals NL, please click here.

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Our goal is to provide people of all ages with physical, cognitive, and any other disabilities with the opportunity to participate in programs and services that aim to build inclusion in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Charitable Number 11905 5085 RR0001