Employment And Educational Services

Why hire someone with a disability? High retention: retention rates are 72% higher among people with disabilities which saves on training costs. Low absenteeism: studies have shown that people with disabilities have lower absenteeism when compared to the labor pool at large. Hard-working: recent surveys indicate that 90% of workers with disabilities received 'good' or 'excellent' performance ratings from managers.

Easter Seals Newfoundland & Labrador | ESNL Easter Seals Newfoundland & Labrador | ESNL Easter Seals Newfoundland & Labrador | ESNL

Opportunities Fund

This program provides a subsidy of 60-80% contribution of the current minimum wage rate to a maximum 36 weeks.


Horizons Work Experience Program

Participants will develop the necessary workplace skills that will facilitate independence and guide them towards a brighter future.


I Can Too! Disability Education Program

This presentation is free and is available to schools, scouting and guiding groups, after school programs and community groups.


TD Secure Futures

Secure Futures is a program funded by TD Bank in partnership with Easter Seals Canada, the program is for individuals … Continued

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Sun Life Workplace Readiness Program

Sun Life Workplace Readiness Program The Sun Life Workplace Readiness Program is offering a $2,000 scholarship to two students in … Continued

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Learn more about how we're helping to boost employment rates for persons with disabilities.

  • Thank You

Thank you for your interest in our Employment & Educational Services programs. Whether you're an employer or interested in becoming a participant, we would love to chat with you.

  • Let's Chat

To take part in any of our Employment & Educational Services programs, please contact 754-1399 ext 225.


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& Make a Difference

Our goal is to provide people of all ages with physical, cognitive, and any other disabilities with the opportunity to participate in programs and services that aim to build inclusion in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Charitable Number 11905 5085 RR0001