ESNL Receives Jumpstart Sport Relief Fund Grant

Thank you!

In September, Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities announced an $8 million sport relief fund to
help sport and recreation organizations continue to deliver programming in 2020 and beyond.
As you may be aware, many community organizations have shut their doors due to the financial burden created by COVID-19, including lost revenue and increased program costs. Easter Seals Newfoundland and Labrador has experienced the impact of the pandemic first-hand.

We recently received confirmation that we are amongst 668 sport and recreation organizations
nationally to be provided with grant support through Jumpstart’s Sport Relief Fund. We are
beyond grateful to receive this news and know how positive an impact it will have on sport and
recreation organizations, and ultimately, on kids across the country.

With Jumpstart’s support, we’ll be able to implement ways to keep our programs safe while
adhering to public safety guidelines, through purchases of PPE and protective barriers, and
increased hours for cleaning. We’ll also be able to train staff in Mental Health First Aid, and
strengthen our social media and online presence because of Jumpstart.

Easter Seals Newfoundland & Labrador | ESNL Easter Seals Newfoundland & Labrador | ESNL

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Our goal is to provide people of all ages with physical, cognitive, and any other disabilities with the opportunity to participate in programs and services that aim to build inclusion in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Charitable Number 11905 5085 RR0001