Opportunities Fund Employer Highlight- Ferryland Foodland

Ferryland Foodland is showing its community firsthand the importance of inclusion through its commitment to inclusive hiring!

Jordan Pomeroy, like most young adults, wanted to find a job so he would be able to gain experience, independence, develop skills, and have money so he is able to do the things he wants without depending on his parents. The only difference is Jordan identifies as having a disability, which has made the entry into the workforce a little more challenging – but not unattainable.

Through the Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities Program at ESNL, Ferryland Foodland hired Jordan and he has become an integral part of the team. 

“Being able to support Jordan as he develops new skills has been a benefit to everyone on our team”, says store manager Della Jordan. “It is wonderful to watch Jordan face challenges head-on every day and succeed to the best of his ability!”

There are so many benefits to hiring a person with a disability. For more information about the Opportunities Fund and to learn how we can help, please contact Paula Hayes (paula@eastersealsnl.ca) or Rachel Warren (rachel@eastersealsnl.ca) by email or by calling (709) 754-1399.

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Our goal is to provide people of all ages with physical, cognitive, and any other disabilities with the opportunity to participate in programs and services that aim to build inclusion in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Charitable Number 11905 5085 RR0001