Opportunities Fund

Benefitting Employers & Employees

As a provincial community coordinator for the Opportunities Fund for People with Disabilities Program, we bring employees and employers together by providing a wage subsidy for employers to hire people with disabilities. Opportunities Fund is funded by the Government of Canada under Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). This program provides a subsidy of 60-80% contribution of the current minimum wage rate to a maximum of 36 weeks. Employers will contribute 20-40% of participant’s wages as well as the mandatory employment-related costs (MERCS) and Workers Compensation Fees. 

Participants are offered dependent care and transportation where appropriate and required. Short-term training courses, disability supports, and adaptive technology are available to all participants should they be required for a successful transition to the workforce. 

This program is for work-ready individuals of all ages, who identify with a disability to help them prepare for, obtain and maintain employment. Applications are available to people with disabilities seeking employment as well as employers who are hiring; all applications are assessed with the goal of sustained employment. 

Participant Eligibility

  • Self-identifies as having a permanent disability (physical or mental) that restricts their ability to perform daily activities. 
  • Unemployed and not eligible to receive Employment Insurance or similar provincial assistance programs.
  • Legally entitled to work in Canada. 
  • Require assistance to obtain and keep employment

New funding announced!

The Opportunities Fund has received new funding to support people with disabilities and employers across the province. If you self-identify as having a disability and need help on your career journey, or are an employer looking to hire and you are interested in the Opportunities Fund, please contact Director of Employment & Educational Services, Paula Hayes, by emailing paula@eastersealsnl.ca, or Opportunities Fund and ‘I Can Too!’ Disability Education Coordinator, Rachel Warren, by emailing rachel@eastersealsnl.ca.

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  • Let's Chat

If you would like more information on Opportunities Fund please contact Paula Hayes, Director of Career & Educational Services at 754-1399 ext. 225 paula@eastersealsnl.ca or Rachel Warren, Program Assistant ext. 231 rachel@eastersealsnl.ca.

Service Sign Up

To learn more about this program, you can submit the form here and a member of our team will reach out to you.

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Donate Today
& Make a Difference

Our goal is to provide people of all ages with physical, cognitive, and any other disabilities with the opportunity to participate in programs and services that aim to build inclusion in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Charitable Number 11905 5085 RR0001